Monday, October 28, 2013

Stress and Back Pain

We live in very stressful times. A world-wide economic crisis, declining home values, job losses, financial insecurities, an uncertain future… these and other “real life” events cause a lot of people a lot of stress. And that stress is responsible for all types of health problems, including high blood pressure, strokes, insomnia and an increase in the number of people experiencing back pain.
Chronic stress (emotional, physical and chemical) can affect your nervous system’s ability to function correctly, leading to an increased risk for illness and pain. And… when you’re under stress, your muscles get tense and tighten, especially the muscles in your neck and back.

So what can you do about stress-related back pain?

• Learn how to relax muscles through stretching, take “stretch” breaks at work, walk around your building during break or lunch

• Exercise to release stress and endorphins, those “feel good” brain chemicals – brisk walking, cycling, swimming – anything that increases your heart rate and gets you moving is beneficial

• Eat healthy meals – avoid empty calories, sugary snacks and comfort foods that pack on the weight and offer little in terms of nutrition

• Write down your thoughts or talk to a professional counselor – getting the stress out, on paper or in person, helps to relieve stress

• Treat yourself to a massage to ease tense muscles

• Learn to say “no” to anything that will further complicate your life, causing additional stress

• Get plenty of rest – it’s hard to deal with the stress that causes chronic back pain when you’re not well rested

And by all means, make sure you’re staying up to date with your chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractic care helps to “reset” the nervous system so you are better able to fight the negative effects of stress. We certainly see an increase in stress-related back pain as a result of these uncertain times. We want to help you to weather these times, feeling healthy and pain free, so you can deal with whatever comes your way.

Monday, October 21, 2013

More Aspirin, Anyone?

Aspirin, like other NSAIDS, only temporarily masks painful symptoms!

They can be found in just about every medicine cabinet. Millions take them without a second thought. One a day is being recommended to prevent heart attacks! What are they? They are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

You may know these drugs, available without a prescription, by many different names. As a practice interested in natural health care solutions, we see two concerns that some of our patients overlook.

The first danger is from the adverse reactions to these drugs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that about 75,000 people each year in the U.S. visit hospitals due to adverse reactions to these convenient, over-the-counter drugs. About 10% of those die. That may seem like a small danger for the convenient relief NSAIDs offer, unless you or a family member become a statistic!

We think an even greater danger is the philosophical implication of taking these drugs. Aches or pains that prompt their use are warning signs. Like flashing lights that we see when driving, warning signs are to be taken seriously. They protect us. They serve a purpose. Popping a couple of pills to silence our body's cry for change shows a profound disrespect for this miraculous, self-healing body we live in!

Worse, using NSAIDs often reflects the belief that being healthy is about how you feel. But numbing the "alarm bells" your body is sending doesn't make you healthy. You may fool your body but you're not fooling your children. What do you teach them when you take drugs to "feel better" or to make the pain of everyday living go away? How will you explain the difference between a "good" drug and a "bad" drug?

NSAIDs may be convenient. They may save time. They may even allow you to ignore your body for awhile. But there is a price to be paid. Maybe not with stomach bleeding, liver damage or some other side effect. But a price, nonetheless.

Instead of reaching into the medicine cabinet, reach for the phone and call us:(423) 954-9591. Let us find the underlying cause and reduce it with a program of safe and natural chiropractic adjustments that honor the wisdom of your body.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Healthy Habits

Use these 16 suggestions to not only help you get well, but stay well:

1. Ask Questions – understand your health problem and get better results...

2. Keep Your Appointments – each visit builds on the ones before...

3. Get Moving – exercise as you are able; you’re designed to move...

4. Therapeutic Massage – Massage and chiropractic work well together.

5. Better Nutrition – You’ll heal better with the right raw materials.

6. Drink More Water – You’re mostly water. Make sure you get enough.

7. Restful Sleep – Get plenty of sleep so your body can make repairs.

8. Less Coffee – Caffeine, like other drugs, affects your nervous system.

9. Stop Smoking – The health risks are clear. It’s never too late to quit.

10. Moderate Alcohol – Drink in moderation and enjoy the health benefits.

11. Give Up Softdrink – It’s a common culprit linked to many health problems.

12. Proper Weight – Slim down to the correct weight for your height.

13. Limit Media Use – Television watching is unhealthy on many levels.

14. Reduce Stress – Emotional stress underlies many health problems.

15. Spiritual Health – True healing occurs by connecting to a higher power.

16. Remain Hopeful – It takes time. We’re optimistic. You should be too.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Why Fix it if it's Not Broken?

Many health problems fester without serious symptoms, making correction more difficult later.

This is the “Let sleeping dogs lie” approach to health care! I feel fine. Why do I need to see a doctor?

That’s the problem with the lifestyle-induced health problems facing our culture. They quietly fester in the background, slowly worsening, often without any obvious symptom. Arterial plaque builds up. Blood pressure rises. Certain foods now cause heartburn. Every morning you get out of bed a little bit slower and stiffer. You hardly notice the incremental change.

Ironically, these are often the same folks who religiously change their oil and do other preventive maintenance to lengthen the life, appearance and performance of their car!

If you like being your very best, you’ll love visiting our practice. No shots. No yucky medicine. No “healthier-than-thou” attitude. No preaching.