Now that you have discovered your food allergens and eliminated them let's talk supplements.
It seems that most folks have this inner feeling that they should be taking a general all round supplement, most often a multi-vitamin. Once the decision is made these same folks do not think about supplementation until something happens to their health or a friend tries to sign them up on a business plan selling the greatest "new" supplement that is guaranteed to carry them to financial success.
Some folks recognize the need for more than a multi-vitamin and do their own research (via the Internet) to come up with 10-12 supplements that they are sure is going to restore their fountain of youth.
None of the above scenarios are recommended.
There are basically three kinds of people that need supplements. First are those people having multiple symptoms (recognized or unrecognized) that do not yet have a diagnosed health problem. Second are those that are near to or new to a diagnosis of a health problem. Third are those folks that have been on medications for a while for a specific set of health problems.
This week we talk about group one. Shotgun supplementation is no better than shotgun medicine. You need to get organized and focused. For my folks (really the only ones I can focus on) I suggest filling out my Systems Survey. If you are my patient you can stop by the office and pick one up; or you can e-mail your request and I will forward it to you, there is no charge for this service. If you are not a patient of mine, you can e-mail your request and I will forward the survey to you. There is no charge for this. However, for the non patient, for liability reasons, I will give you the results of the survey only, but not a recommendation for the supplements, unless you send me a consent to treat form which I can supply to you.
The Systems Survey will organize the various symptoms you are having into a suggested list of conditions that you may have going on. This list is not definitive but only a suggestion and is not diagnosing your problems. However, I have used it for over 35 years to help my patients feel better.There is no guarantee.
Please e-mail for your survey, for informational purposes. There is no charge. This is a free service.