Thursday, July 2, 2015

Supplements to consider for specific situations

By now, if you have done your homework, you have eliminated your food allergens, you have filled out your Systems Survey and evaluated your overall health.  Now we need to talk over the second type client that needs supplementation.  (NOTE: There are basically three kinds of people that need supplements. First are those people having multiple symptoms (recognized or unrecognized) that do not yet have a diagnosed health problem. Second are those that are near to or new to a diagnosis of a health problem. Third are those folks that have been on medications for a while for a specific set of health problems.)

That is no way that I can give an exhaustive discussion of supplements and ailments in the context of a blog article. Just be aware that many times there are natural alternatives to the initial stages of health problems. Not everyone responds and no one should venture to treat themselves without keeping their PCP informed and aware.

I have utilized specific supplements for conditions like gallbladder (and lack of a gall bladder), early onset diabetes, arthritis, ulcers, allergies, sinus, poor circulation, loss of energy, ED, bladder problems, etc., the list is endless.

In trying to provide information to my readers I finally decided that I would be unable to provide enough information to any reader in this format. Therefore, if you have specific questions, please e-mail me at and I will get back with you in a timely fashion. Be as specific with your information as you can.

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