Wednesday, July 13, 2011

News about Ross Chiropractic Clinic

After 36 years of practice Dr. John Ross has decided to take off Friday afternoons. Actually Mary told him to start taking Friday afternoons off.

Starting in August the new Health Care Reform Legislation will require that we gather more and more information on each patient.  Therefore your visits may require more paperwork, more computer input and more time per visit.  We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause but there is not a whole lot we can do about it.

A strategy to develop is to keep yourself as healthy as possible so that you do not have to spend your time in the doctor offices.  You can help do this by exercising daily, eating a good selection of fruits and vegetables, getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night.  Also consider supplementing your diet with good whole food supplements.  Even if you eat good, your body may require additional supplementation to function at its optimum.  I offer a free Systems Survey that you can access on my website  On the left side of the screen you will see Free System Survey, click on it, fill it out, click on send and it will come to me for evaluation.  I will email the results back to you.

Also, if you are taking medications, they may be depleting nutrients from your body.  Bring me a list of your medications and I will do a report for you on what you may need to replace these nutrients and avoid possible effects of the medications.

I would appreciate any feedback that you might have regarding this blog.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wellness in the Workplace

The cost of health care doubled from 1990 to 2001 and is expected to have doubled again by 2012.  With workers spending nearly half their waking hours on the job, worksites are becoming a prime venue for promoting healthy habits.  Employers that have employee worksite wellness programs can reap the rewards of fewer sick days, greater overall productivity and lower health insurance costs. An extensive review of published studies examining the indirect savings from worksite health promotion programs found that for every dollar invested, an organization may realize a savings of $3.50 through reduced absenteeism and health care costs.

A worksite wellness program begins with a well thought out plan to include input from senior management as well as the employees.  The comprehensive model  includes data management, health risk assessment, risk  reduction interventions, medical consumerism and disease management.

Dr. Ross has a free power point presentation to review the benefits of a worksite wellness program for interested organizations.  Email Doc@DocRoss.come to request your copy.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Danger of Diabetes with High Dose of statin drugs

Just read an article on by Michael O'Riordan titled "High-dose Statin Therapy increases the risk of diabetes"

It seems that Dr. Kausik Ray of St. George's University in London did a meta-analysis (wide review of research on the topic) to arrive at that determination.  His results confirmed an earlier study published in Lancet and the recent FDA decision that 80 mg simvastatin is associated with more side effects than efficacy (benefits).

As with a lot of research "more information needs to be studied", however, this research supports my findings that patients with increasing levels of statin drugs develop diabetes.  I hope that research is done to prove the efficacy of proper supplementation to offset the effects of statin drugs, proper diet and exercise to reduce the need for statin drugs.

Your comments are welcomed.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Certified Chiropractic Wellness Specialist

Dr. Ross has just completed his certification as a Chiropractic Wellness Specialist through the National Wellness Institute.  For over 35 years Dr. Ross has been promoting a healthy life style that includes exercise, proper nutrition, massage and chiropractic.  Now the nation has caught up with the concept.  Dr. Ross has received special training in how to help all size companies design an in house wellness program that will help keep the healthy workers healthy and help the less healthy workers maintain their health and maybe improve their health.  These wellness programs are designed to help companies control their health care costs while improving the lives of their employees and their employees families.