Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wellness in the Workplace

The cost of health care doubled from 1990 to 2001 and is expected to have doubled again by 2012.  With workers spending nearly half their waking hours on the job, worksites are becoming a prime venue for promoting healthy habits.  Employers that have employee worksite wellness programs can reap the rewards of fewer sick days, greater overall productivity and lower health insurance costs. An extensive review of published studies examining the indirect savings from worksite health promotion programs found that for every dollar invested, an organization may realize a savings of $3.50 through reduced absenteeism and health care costs.

A worksite wellness program begins with a well thought out plan to include input from senior management as well as the employees.  The comprehensive model  includes data management, health risk assessment, risk  reduction interventions, medical consumerism and disease management.

Dr. Ross has a free power point presentation to review the benefits of a worksite wellness program for interested organizations.  Email Doc@DocRoss.come to request your copy.

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