Enjoying a relaxed meal with family and friends is more in keeping with the holiday spirit than creating a fancy
production that leaves you stressed and irritable.
The holidays are often a time for celebration with family and friends. But for many, especially busy working moms, the holidays result in only one thing – more stress! When you add all those holiday-related tasks to a daily routine that’s already hectic – you have all the makings of a major holiday meltdown!
And then… there are the expectations of holiday fun and frivolity with family members near and far. For many, these family get-togethers quickly dissolve into bickering, bantering and out-and-out hostility!
So… what can you do to limit that stress and really enjoy the holidays?
• If finances are a problem this year – you are not alone. Give hand-made gifts or bake some holiday treats. Budget a set amount for gifts and stick to it! Agree with friends and family members that this a good time for everyone to “take a year off.” Or better yet… give the gift of a memory – plan a special outing with those on your gift list!
• Don’t over-indulge in drinking, eating, spending or late nights. You’ll pay for these over-indulgences and could pay dearly in terms of your health.
• Start a new family tradition of giving to others. Participate in your church’s “Giving Tree.” Give a “Toys for Tots” gift. Give an anonymous gift to a family in your community who may have fallen on hard times or lost a family member. Help fill up a food bank – or volunteer at one! Giving of yourself is the best gift – for you and others too.
• Exercise – 30 minutes is all it takes to help you de-stress. And… it’s great for releasing endorphins – those incredible “feel good” brain chemicals!
• Keep it simple – no need to go “over-the-top” and elaborate. Your friends and family would rather have you relax with them instead of rushing around or obsessing over your menu in the kitchen!
• Relax. No one and nothing is perfect. You’re human. You’re one person. Resolve to try not to be all things to all people and to take care of you this holiday season!
One way to take care of you is to recognize that the three types of stress – emotional, physical and chemical – are at an all-time high during the holidays. It’s important to have your spine checked to correct subluxations so you can have a healthy nervous system that easily “shakes off” that extra holiday stress. We’ll be looking for you!