Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Stress Management - New Series

You won't know if you've attained a goal
if you haven't written it down.

What makes 3% of the population successful, 30% moderately successful and the other 67% just exist? Well, according to Harvard Business School researchers, the 3% who are successful have concrete goals that they’ve written down. The 30% who are moderately successful have some type of plan. But the remaining 60% are merely accepting life as it’s dished out to them.

There are many reasons (excuses?) why people avoid setting goals: not enough time, no clear idea of what they want, fear of success, fear of failure, others’ expectations of them and lack of focus. Ironic, since feelings of powerlessness and the inability to control outcomes cause us the most stress. Setting goals could help.

It’s important to write down your goals. Don’t leave them as vague feelings in your head! Each goal must be personal and clearly stated. You cannot be successful if you are not sure what you want. Nor will you ever know if you’ve attained it! This will only cause more frustration.

Dr. Joseph Mercola of the Optimal Wellness Center outside of Chicago offers these suggestions for setting and achieving goals: 
  • Decide on the exact goal you want to achieve
  • Write it down clearly and in as much detail as possible
  • Set a deadline to achieve the goal, with measurable steps if it is a large one
  • Make a list of all that you need to do in order to achieve the goal
  • Put all those “action” steps in order, by priority and sequence
  • Take immediate action on the most important item in your list
  • Do something each day towards attaining your goal
Goal setting doesn’t have to be time consuming or elaborate. In fact, the simpler, the better. The point is, you’ll never get to where you want to go if you don’t have a clear sense of where you are headed. It’s just that simple – so get started!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Resolving back pain may also improve nerve supply
to reproductive organs, improving fertility.
At first, it may appear to be coincidental. You are having trouble becoming pregnant and you also have a problem with low back pain. Are they related? Can low back pain actually be a factor? The answer to the first question may be "yes," while the answer to the second question is more along the lines of, "The cause of your infertility may also be the cause your lower back pain."

Many women have problems conceiving because of a condition known as endometriosis. In fact, endometriosis is the cause for 30-40% of female infertility. This condition occurs when uterine tissue, known as endometrium, attaches itself to tissue and organs outside the uterus, including other reproductive organs, the bladder and the gastrointestinal tract. While the primary symptom of endometriosis is painful menstruation, back pain may result as well.

Obviously, it is imperative for you to see a health care professional when either one or both of these conditions are present. If your diagnosis is endometriosis, chiropractic care may reduce much of the pain and discomfort associated with it. In addition, several chiropractic case studies have documented cases in which infertile women have become pregnant after starting chiropractic care.

Friday, October 21, 2011

No such thing as SUPER mom!

Give up the idea that you have to be a super woman,
and you will enjoy life much more!
Most mothers today tend to wear many hats in addition to their “Mom” uniform – wife, sister, daughter, employee, boss, volunteer, scout leader, club member, taxi driver, etc. Sometimes life can be overwhelming and very few women are skilled in the art of just saying “NO!” The “Super Mom” syndrome is very real, and it takes its toll on women in terms of physical and emotional stress. (Two of the causes of subluxation).  

These are just a few reasons why every mom needs to dump the idea that she can be a “Super Mom”: 
  1. There is no such thing as a perfect anybody. It just can’t be done.  Trying to be perfect  in every facet of your life is pure folly.
  2. It is exhausting and overwhelming to think that you can be all things to all people.  Besides that, it’s an impossible goal.
  3. Children need their mother to meet their needs, not everyone else’s.
  4.  A “super mom” never lives in the joy of the moment; she is always looking at what she has to do next.
  5. Unrealistic expectations that we set for ourselves, and fail to achieve, lead to stress, anxiety and depression. Stress causes many diseases that can kill; anxiety and depression rob us of our health and overall wellbeing.
If more women took the time to nurture themselves and their close relationships with family and friends, instead of trying to do it all perfectly, more women would lead happy and purposeful lives. No one is perfect - or meant to be! If you realize that, you’ll start to have a lot more fun. Being a mom is about being, not just doing!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Kissed by the SUN

That health glow isn't all that healthy!
Millions of people visit tanning salons in order to keep that year-round “kissed by the sun” glow. What many of them fail to realize is that “glow” may someday cause malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer.

Is this fake idea of health worth the risk?

Tanning salons promote their services by claiming that their beds emit UVA rays rather than the potentially more harmful UVB rays. However, a 15-20 minute session in a tanning bed equals an entire day of outdoor tanning and UVA rays can be just as damaging to the skin and to the immune system as UVB rays. In fact, the UVA rays emitted from a tanning bed lamp are three times as powerful as those from direct sunlight!

What are some of the more serious long-term effects of UVA exposure? They include:
  • Eye damage
  • Immune system changes
  • Wrinkles and premature aging of the skin
  • Cataracts
  • Sun spots/pigmentation changes on skin
  • Skin cancer
Although anyone who is exposed to UVA rays may be at risk, some are at greater risk, particularly those who have blond, light brown or red hair, those with fair skin, those who burn easily, those who have blue, green or gray eyes, and those who often burn before tanning.

Women, and especially teenage girls frequent tanning salons more often than their male counterparts, making them more vulnerable to the increased risks and damaging effects of UVA exposure.

Research suggests that exposure to the sun is essential to good health. Clearly, tanning booths and exposure to unnaturally high levels of ultraviolet light can compromise your health and later on, your appearance!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mammogram??? Maybe!!

Thermography is a less risky, non-invasive tool that is becoming
 more and more popular as a replacement for mammogram

 The dreaded mammogram…that once-a-year cancer-screening tool you look forward to almost as much as you look forward to cleaning out the kitty litter. Yet we do it because we are told that it is an early detection / early-warning system for breast cancer that saves lives. But does it?

There is a growing controversy surrounding the effectiveness, or even the usefulness, of periodic mammo-grams. Those opposed point to these facts about mammography screening: 
  • It is a flawed screening tool that can neither detect nor prevent cancer
  • Its reliability is unstable given that there are many “false positive” readings
  • It does not increase the likelihood of long-term survival
  • It is generally recommended to protect the doctor’s liability
  • It may be no better at early detection than self-breast examination
  • Mammography/breast biopsy is a massive money-making business
  • Mammography emits radiation that may very well cause the cancer it is designed to detect!

Disillusioned? Who wouldn’t be? Are there viable alternatives? Many are touting the benefits of thermography over mammography. Thermography does not require that the breast be flattened like a pancake and it is not in any way painful. Thermography is a form of non-invasive infrared imaging that detects “hot spots” in the breast that show likelihood for being pre-cancerous. In fact, a positive thermographic reading is the best indicator of positive risk for the future development of breast cancer, 10 times more significant than any family history of the disease.

Chiropractic isn't a treatment for cancer! In our practice, we address subluxation. Instead of living in fear of what might happen to your body, we focus on keeping nerve interference at a minimum so your body can function at its optimal best.


Call us for an appointment to have your spine checked. You’ll be glad you did!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Facts About Varicose Veins

Hiding your legs inside long socks and tights
doesn't eliminate those varicose veins!

 They are unsightly and painful and one out of every two adults over 50 suffers from them. Varicose veins are enlarged veins, often dark blue and purple in color, that appear to be swollen and twisted, very close to the surface of the skin. Although they usually appear on the calves and the inside of the legs, they may affect any area of the body.
To determine whether you might be at a greater risk to develop varicose veins, consider the following:
  • A family history of varicose veins (genetic predisposition)
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy (due to increased pressure on the legs)
  • A job that requires long periods of standing
  • Frequent heavy lifting
  • Sitting for long periods of time with crossed legs
  • Eating a low-fiber diet that causes constipation
There are certain things you can do to try to prevent varicose veins, including:
  • Exercise on a regular basis; walking in particular increases the strength of the veins in your legs
  • Avoid sitting with your legs crossed
  • Elevate your legs while sitting or resting
  • Get up and walk around every 30-45 minutes if you work in a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time
  • Try not to stand for long periods of time. If you must, shift your weight frequently from foot to foot and wear support stockings or socks
  • Maintain a healthy weight for your height
  • Eat a high fiber diet, including bran, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure regular bowel movements
Most of the time, no treatment is necessary for varicose veins. Chiropractic care, which is known to improve the flow of blood through the body, may help relieve and/or control varicose veins. Please call our practice to discuss your concerns; we will be happy to meet with you.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Winner! Winner! Winner! Winner!

Winner of our T-Shirt Photo Contest. 
Marilyn Johnson. 
I thank her for her "originality" in crawling in
with her T-Shirt on.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

PMS Again???

What can you do to save yourself - and your loved ones - from your PMS symptoms?
You’re cranky, tired, achy and irritable. You feel bloated and you cry easily. You crave salt and chocolate and you say things you really don’t mean. The scale tips upward and your mood shifts are even making you feel like you’re crazy! Ah yes, it’s your favorite time of the month – PMS, premenstrual syndrome, is raging once again and your family has headed for the hills. What makes you feel this way?
No one really knows what causes PMS, but it is thought to be largely hormonal and may occur due to elevated estrogen levels, decreased progesterone levels, and the hormonal interaction with other brain chemicals. It generally occurs two to 14 days before the first day of your menstrual cycle, and symptoms tend to subside once menstruation begins.
Classic PMS symptoms fall into two categories:
Physical, such as bloating, weight gain, headache, backache, fatigue, breast tenderness or swelling,
increased appetite/cravings
Emotional – such as irritability, depression, mood swings, panic attacks, bouts of crying, tension, hostility
There are many non-drug alternatives that reduce the severity of or even relieve PMS symptoms, including: 
  • Dietary changes, including increasing your intake of leafy green vegetables, fish with omega-3 oils (tuna, salmon, shellfish), grains, lean proteins 
  • Exercise, because it releases chemicals in the brain called endorphins which are natural mood elevators that help reduce bloating and weight gain 
  • Frequent hydrating, by drinking plenty of water you actually reduce swelling/bloating 
  • Stress reduction techniques, such as prayer and meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or spending time doing a favorite hobby or activity 
  • Chiropractic care, shown to be helpful in relieving many PMS symptoms in several studies1,2,3 when receiving two to three adjustments during the weeks leading up to the onset of the menstrual cycle. 
If you’re plagued with the symptoms of PMS (or know someone who is), call our practice and arrange to come in and speak with Dr. John Ross. Hear our success stories in caring for patients with PMS.
1Thompson, P.R.,Fisher, B.L., Carpenter, P.A. et al. Effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy in a treatment of primary dysmenorrheal: A pilot study. JMPT, 1979, 2,pp.140-145
2 Liebel, N.A. & Butler, L.M. A chiropractic approach to the treatment of dysmenorrheal. JMPT 1990,13 pp. 101-106
3 Stude, D.E. The management of symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome. JMPT, 1991, 14, pp.209-216

Friday, September 2, 2011

Chiropractic and Depression

We all experience highs and lows. But when the lows become increasingly often and begin to interfere with the functions of daily living, then it’s a cause for concern. Depression affects twice as many women as men and most people fail to seek the help they need. Those that do, usually receive some type of drug therapy.
Common symptoms of depression include: 
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Sleep problems
  • Overwhelming sadness
  • Hyper-irritability
  • Poor concentration
  • Changes in appetite
  • Withdrawal
  • Chronic physical symptoms
  • Thoughts of suicide
Depression is really a whole body condition that affects body, mind, emotions and spirit. It is not something to be ashamed of, nor is it something you can simply wish away. You can’t just “snap out of it” or put on a happy face and think it away.
A recent study, conducted by Duke University Medical Center, compared exercise with the use of a popular antidepressant. Those taking the drug saw a 38% relapse in their symptoms. In the exercise-only group, only 8% of participants experienced a relapse. Exercise may be a key element in elevating your mood and improving your health – whether you’re depressed or not.
But remember, we experience everything in life through our nervous systems. If our nervous systems are compromised, our life experience will be compromised. One more reason to seek safe and natural chiropractic care first.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Women's Series #2

Those Painful Monthly Cramps

A warm, soothing hot bath can relax away those pains.
It’s that time of the month again and you’re in agony. What causes you to suffer from these dreadful cramps every month? Believe it or not, more than 90% of all women have menstrual cramps at some point in their lives and a little more than 50% experience menstrual cramps every month for one or two days either right before or at the onset of their period.

Although menstrual cramps occur more often during the teenage years, some women experience them well into their twenties and beyond. One in ten women experience pain so bad, they’re unable to go about their daily routine for several days each month.

What causes painful menstrual cramps and what can be done to alleviate the pain?

Cramps are caused by contractions of the uterus. Like all other muscles in the body, the uterus contracts on a regular basis and then relaxes. Right around the time of your period, these contractions become stronger and this is what produces the pain and discomfort.

The following natural remedies may help relieve the pain and discomfort of menstrual cramps:

* Regular exercise, such as walking
* Adding additional calcium and zinc to your diet
* The use of certain herbal remedies that have anti-spasmodic properties, including Viburnum prunifolium, Scutellaria spp. and Cimicifuga raemosa
* Soaking in a warm bath that has been prepared with aromatherapy oils (have you tried lavender?) 
* Warm compresses or a heating pad, which can be applied to the lower abdomen to ease the pain 
* Relaxing and putting your feet up to alleviate stress
* Good, old fashioned chiropractic adjustments

We’re aware that many women who suffer from menstrual cramps also experience frequent back pain. Is there a connection? Both may be related to vertebral subluxation complex in the lower spine that affects the nerves that serve the female anatomy. It’s been our experience that many women report a decrease in the frequency and severity of their menstrual cramps when they receive regular chiropractic adjustments.

Have you given it a try?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Women's Series

Pamper Yourself Healthy!

Remember, you’re a human being, not a human doing! Slow down. Pamper yourself. You deserve it.

You’re a woman who may be wearing way too many hats – wife, mother, coach, taxi driver, chef, laundress, shopper, maid, employee, employer, handywoman, nurse…the list could go on and on with the number of roles you play and jobs you have to do each and every day.

So…when do you make time for you?

It’s important that you find the time to pamper yourself. Women are generally so used to giving of themselves to their families and others that they seldom take time to give to themselves in little ways that make a difference. “Pamper myself? Why I just don’t have the time,” you might say.

Make the time – it’s healthy and you deserve it.

Here are some ways to treat yourself to some of the “little” things that lift your spirit and keep you healthy:

• Take a nice half-hour bubble bath – and lock the bathroom door!
• Treat yourself to a manicure or pedicure…or both!
• Get a relaxing half-hour massage – or better yet – go for an hour!
• Sit in a comfortable chair and put your feet up for a half hour – maybe even take a little catnap!
• Try out a new hairstyle or some strategically placed highlights!
• Go to the local coffee shop with a book and sip a latte or some Chai tea while reading the romance novel you’ve been dying to start!
• Light some candles, put on some soft music, get yourself a cup of chamomile tea and sit in semi darkness. Now…relax your body, mind and spirit!
• Get a babysitter and go out on a date with your husband or significant other – pampering both of you!

It’s important for your health and well-being to take care of yourself in the same way you care for others. And with that said – keep to your regular chiropractic adjustment schedule. Stress has a way of doing some real damage to you physically, mentally and emotionally and chiropractic adjustments keep you on an even keel!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Just how photogenic are you?

You need to take the most interesting picture of you and/or your family members wearing our T-Shirt in the most interesting situation.

The Winner gets a $25 gift certificate to the store of their choice.

Deadline for receiving the picture (by e-mail only) is  September 1, 2011.  Dr. Ross (the official photographer for the clinic) will be the judge.

Winner is chosen on September 14, 2011.

E-mail your picture(s) to  Doc@DocRoss.com

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

News about Ross Chiropractic Clinic

After 36 years of practice Dr. John Ross has decided to take off Friday afternoons. Actually Mary told him to start taking Friday afternoons off.

Starting in August the new Health Care Reform Legislation will require that we gather more and more information on each patient.  Therefore your visits may require more paperwork, more computer input and more time per visit.  We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause but there is not a whole lot we can do about it.

A strategy to develop is to keep yourself as healthy as possible so that you do not have to spend your time in the doctor offices.  You can help do this by exercising daily, eating a good selection of fruits and vegetables, getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night.  Also consider supplementing your diet with good whole food supplements.  Even if you eat good, your body may require additional supplementation to function at its optimum.  I offer a free Systems Survey that you can access on my website www.DocRoss.com.  On the left side of the screen you will see Free System Survey, click on it, fill it out, click on send and it will come to me for evaluation.  I will email the results back to you.

Also, if you are taking medications, they may be depleting nutrients from your body.  Bring me a list of your medications and I will do a report for you on what you may need to replace these nutrients and avoid possible effects of the medications.

I would appreciate any feedback that you might have regarding this blog.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wellness in the Workplace

The cost of health care doubled from 1990 to 2001 and is expected to have doubled again by 2012.  With workers spending nearly half their waking hours on the job, worksites are becoming a prime venue for promoting healthy habits.  Employers that have employee worksite wellness programs can reap the rewards of fewer sick days, greater overall productivity and lower health insurance costs. An extensive review of published studies examining the indirect savings from worksite health promotion programs found that for every dollar invested, an organization may realize a savings of $3.50 through reduced absenteeism and health care costs.

A worksite wellness program begins with a well thought out plan to include input from senior management as well as the employees.  The comprehensive model  includes data management, health risk assessment, risk  reduction interventions, medical consumerism and disease management.

Dr. Ross has a free power point presentation to review the benefits of a worksite wellness program for interested organizations.  Email Doc@DocRoss.come to request your copy.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Danger of Diabetes with High Dose of statin drugs

Just read an article on www.theheart.org by Michael O'Riordan titled "High-dose Statin Therapy increases the risk of diabetes"

It seems that Dr. Kausik Ray of St. George's University in London did a meta-analysis (wide review of research on the topic) to arrive at that determination.  His results confirmed an earlier study published in Lancet and the recent FDA decision that 80 mg simvastatin is associated with more side effects than efficacy (benefits).

As with a lot of research "more information needs to be studied", however, this research supports my findings that patients with increasing levels of statin drugs develop diabetes.  I hope that research is done to prove the efficacy of proper supplementation to offset the effects of statin drugs, proper diet and exercise to reduce the need for statin drugs.

Your comments are welcomed.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Certified Chiropractic Wellness Specialist

Dr. Ross has just completed his certification as a Chiropractic Wellness Specialist through the National Wellness Institute.  For over 35 years Dr. Ross has been promoting a healthy life style that includes exercise, proper nutrition, massage and chiropractic.  Now the nation has caught up with the concept.  Dr. Ross has received special training in how to help all size companies design an in house wellness program that will help keep the healthy workers healthy and help the less healthy workers maintain their health and maybe improve their health.  These wellness programs are designed to help companies control their health care costs while improving the lives of their employees and their employees families.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Condition of the Week - Whiplash


A hyperextension injury to the neck due to trauma involving rapid acceleration and deceleration.  It is often a result of being struck from behind by a fast moving vehicle.  The neck is damaged causing soft tissue injury to the muscles and ligaments.  

Whiplash is more common in females than males and is one of the most common injuries seeking legal counsel.  Pain usually develops hours to days following the incident.  Symptoms may present as a headache at the base of the skull, a stiff neck with decreased range of motion, TMJ dysfunction, or difficulty swallowing.  There may be neurological symptoms including loss of strength or sensation in the arms.  

When diagnosing, X-rays are used to assess the level of damage and to rule out any fractures or dislocations.  Whiplash injuries can be very successfully treated with chiropractic adjustments and therapy along with rehab and soft collar bracing. 

Submitted by Ronald Martin, DC

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Condition of the Week...Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD)

Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD)...aka Osteoarthritis (OA) or Degenerative Arthritis

DJD is a progressive condition, meaning it gets worse over time. It breaks down the cartilage that surrounds your joints, while at the same time increases the density of the bones that make up the joint. Recent studies have suggested that DJD is a genetic condition that some people are predisposed to, but it is widely thought that it is the result of repetitive injury to a joint (microtrauma).

Its most common locations are in weight bearing joints: knees, hips, low back, and neck. These are classified as mono-arthritis because they only affect one joint and are asymmetrical in the body.  DJD classically presents as morning stiffness that improves with activity. Overuse or over-exercise of the joint can produce increased symptoms of pain. In small joints such as the knuckles of the fingers it visibly enlarges the joints, other joint enlargement can be viewed with x-ray study. Diagnosis of DJD is done with x-ray study; no lab testing of blood or urine can be used to determine if you have the condition.

Treatment options include: chiropractic adjustments to keep the joints mobile, non-weight bearing exercise, and weight loss. Even though DJD is not an inflammatory condition, anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed for pain reduction. Moist heat on larger joints also seems to help encourage pain free motion. Low impact exercises, regular chiropractic adjustments, and anti-inflammatory diets are the best preventative measures to reduce the occurrence of DJD.

Submitted by Ronald Martin, DC

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why don't you give yourself a pat on the back?

Greetings! We're so glad you have joined us and hope you will enjoy reading.  The intent of this blog is to provide you with up to date information on the latest health topics, specifically those that are chiropractic related.  Information will be presented through videos, links to current news, etc.

Please feel free to ask any questions you might have and we will work to find you the best answer.  We encourage you to continue seeking good health and for those of you who do...give yourself a pat on the back!